If the item you received doesn’t match the description in the original listing, or if it arrived faulty or damaged, you’re covered under the Shopmovies Money Back Guarantee. You can return it even if the seller’s returns policy says they don’t accept returns.

If you no longer want an item, you’ll be able to see in the listing if the seller offers returns, how long you have to request a return, and any other conditions. You can check the listing by selecting the item in your Purchase history.

Once you start a return, the seller has 2 business days to resolve your issue. If your problem isn’t solved at the end of those 2 days, you can ask us to step in and help.

Start a return

To start a return, select the item order number you want to send back from your recent purchases above, or use the button below.

Return your item by using our support ticket

Once you’ve started a return, you can check on the status of your request at any time.

You can also start a return in your Purchase history. See the instructions below to find out how:

How to return an item from your Purchase history

  1. Find the item in your Purchase history and select support ticket.
  2. Select your reason for the return.
  3. If the item arrived damaged, broken, or faulty, you have the option to add up to 6 pictures showing any scratches or defects.
  4. Select Send.

What happens after you’ve started a return

The seller has 2 business days to get back to you. How they respond depends on the reason for your return.

Remember to send an email to Shopmovies with your order number and inform us that you have dispatched the item to seller.

You received the wrong item, or it arrived faulty or damaged

Here’s how the seller may respond:

Accept your return request and offer a full refund – You’ll return the item and the seller issues you a full refund, including the original shipping cost. The seller will not pay for return shipping, but in some cases seller will also pay for return shipping base on our observation.

Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item – This can be a good compromise when you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase – for example, if it arrived with a minor scratch – but you’re happy to keep it.

Offer you a replacement or an exchange – Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.

Send you a message – The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.

When the seller replies, we’ll send you an email with details of the next steps.

You changed your mind about an item

Here’s how the seller may respond:

Accept your return request and offer a full refund – You’ll return the item and the seller issues you a full refund – depending on their returns policy, this may or may not include the original shipping cost. Check the seller’s return policy in the listing to see who is responsible for return shipping costs.

Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item – This can be a good compromise when the seller doesn’t accept returns, but wants to offer you a gesture of goodwill – say if you ordered the wrong thing by accident.

Offer you a replacement or an exchange – Some sellers may offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.

Decline your return request – Sellers can only decline your return request if you changed your mind about an item and they stated in the listing that they don’t accept returns, or if you missed the seller’s deadline to start a return.

Send you a message – The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request.

When the seller replies, we’ll send you an email with details of the next steps.

Send the item back

When the seller accepts your return, you’ll receive an email to your Messages with the subject “Send the item back or something else”. You’ll need to send it back within 3 business days. Who covers the shipping costs depends on why you’re returning it.

When you send your item back we recommend using tracked shipping. Adding tracking details to your return helps protect against delays or issues in the refund process.

When you’re sending the item back, repack it carefully, and keep in mind that the condition you send the item back to the seller in is important.

Get your refund

Once the seller receives the item back from you, or once they’ve agreed to refund you and let you keep the item, they have 2 business days to issue your refund, means seller will inform Shopmovies to issue fund to you. When they do, you’ll receive an email letting you know.

It usually takes 3 to 10 business days for a bank transfer refund to go through. If you paid with a credit card, it may take up to 25 days to process, depending on your card provider.

Get help from Shopmovies

Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, if after 3 business days the seller hasn’t been able to resolve your problem, we’re always ready to step in and help. Once the 3 business days has passed, you can ask us to step in within 21 business days of opening the request.